Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Year, A New Assault on Common Sense

I was going to write about something else the other day, then someone directed me to a quote from PETA (People for the "Ethical" Treatment of Animals) Vice President for Cruelty Investigations, Daphna Nachminovitch. Interestingly in the article she says she owns two "mutts" rescued from PETA - must be the two that survived, since their shelther euthanasia rate is again over 90%.

Ms. Nachminovitch, speaking for PETA, admitted that they oppose search and rescue animals; they oppose the tried and proven methods of training service dogs for the blind; and that only shelter dogs (with unproven histories and temperaments) should be used for guide dogs. Some quotes from the "horse's mouth:"

"...we oppose most seeing-eye-dog programs because the dogs are bred as if there are no equally intelligent dogs literally dying for homes in shelters, they are kept in harnesses almost 24/7, people are prohibited from petting or playing with them and they cannot romp and run and interact with other dogs; and their lives are repeatedly disrupted (they are trained for months in one home and bond, then sent to a second, and after years of bonding with the person they have "served," they are whisked away again because they are old and no longer "useful"). We have a member who is blind who actually moved states to avoid "returning" her beloved dog. We feel that the human community should do more to support blind people, and give dogs a break. A deaf person can see if a dog has a medical issue such as blood in her urine, a blind person living alone cannot, and so on."

I would venture to guess the PETA folks have never actually visited the training of service animals. Further, their suggestion that shelter dogs would somehow be trained differently for an important job is ludicrous. Service dogs for the blind must be able to keep their cool in ALL situations - screaming small children, fires and emergencies, etc. Yes, people are prohibited from petting them - because they are not pets, they are service animals allowing a disabled person the ability to interact in the world. But remember - to PETA the dog is more important than the disabled person.

Further, she gives no explanation for why she believes service dogs must be "returned" at retirement (they usually "retire" as pets of the disabled owner) or why it would require some individual she knows to have "moved states." Is this person avoiding auhorities? They do work for PETA, after all. I'd suspect this as motive before I'd believe it's about the guide dog.

What's truly shameful is PETA is still an "org," it's still not paying taxes on the millions of dollars it intakes each year, and spends to pass ludicrous laws - like ones that would outlaw the breeding and change the training of service dogs. Their new plan - not only can you not eat traditional red meat, or chicken, but now fish as well - their very own website now promotes the re-naming of fish as "sea kittens" so that people will be less likely to eat them. (I'm NOT going to do them the favor of linking to their site - but it's there.) If this is not a demonstration of wastefulness - the money YOU sent them to save that chained puppy is paying a web designer six figures to create the "Save the Sea Kittens" website, after all - I don't know what is.

And this is the real problem. People have no idea what they are REALLY paying for. How about their extensive PETAKiDS site - where you can get your 9 year old a "vegetarian starter kit." Here's part of that site: "Are there animals being held hostage at your school, commonly known as “classroom pets”...Do your teachers plan yearly field trips to the zoo ...speak up and let your teachers know that there are alternatives to animal exploitation. And don’t forget to recruit your classmates to help you tackle these issues!...Educate others! Use animal issues as topics for all your school projects. From book reports to posters in art class—we’ve got you covered."

That's right, all your child's propaganda needs are met (and paid for, and begging for more donations) at this one stop shop. And finally, I'd like to share this from PETA's own FAQ. This is the first question, and you'll notice that NOWHERE in the answer do they actually ANSWER the question - yes or no, do you oppose all pet ownership. And they'll never answer that question, not while they're still asking for your money...

"“Does PETA believe that people shouldn’t have pets?”

The earliest fossils that resemble the bones of modern dogs are about 12,000 years old, so we know that humans’ fascination with domesticated wolves began at least that long ago. About 5,000 years ago, Egyptians became the first to tame cats, whom they used to control the rodent population. Since then, the breeding and care of cats and dogs has exploded into a love affair, a sport, and a booming business. This international pastime has created an overpopulation crisis, and as a result, every year, millions of unwanted animals suffer at the hands of abusers, languish in shelters, and are euthanized. Adopting a cat or dog from a shelter and providing a loving home is a small but powerful way to prevent some of this suffering. The most important thing that animal guardians can do is to spay or neuter their animals and avoid buying animals from breeders or pet stores, which contribute to the overpopulation crisis."