Thursday, January 17, 2008

PETA's True Colors

Sadly, PETA has revealed (or had revealed, though required by law to produce information at request as a non-profit, I'm sure they don't like to tell about this one) their kill rate at their shelter. Last year, PETA killed 97% of the animals that entered its shelter.

Ninety seven percent. That is a horrifying, unacceptable number by anyone's standards - let alone those who claim to love and protect animals. This is clearly evidence that the organization has no business running a shelter - and who are we kidding, this isn't running a shelter, it's running a euthanasia center. Ironic, isn't it, that they compared the Holocaust to those who oppose them - when it is they who are engaging in unspeakable behavior, killing animals at an unbelieveable rate.

And let's not forget the animals they kill before they ever make it to the shelter. Recall the two employees put on trial in North Carolina for claiming to pick up animals to adopt out of PETA's Virginia shelter - only to euthanize them and dump their bodies in a dumpster behind a grocery store. It certainly begs the question of how many other states they collect and kill animals in.

It is time in America that we wake up. We have embraced free speech so broadly that in this case, it is to our detriment. We have extremist groups, those who fraternize with terrorists (as PETA does when it supports ALF), who are targeting our children with their outrageous propaganda. When I see PETA claiming that others are abusing or mistreating animals, I want to scream from the hypocrisy. Even kill shelters give their animals a chance to be adopted, give them basic medical treatment, give them a chance at life. Yet PETA, who now posts billboard in Times Square to badmouth animal breeders (so your donation to "help the animals" instead paid for a billboard costing probably upward of $100,000), can't even be bothered to give them a vetting - they don't even make it *to* the shelter for care or adoption.

Spread the information far and wide. Ensure your college age children know the truth about PETA - they are another favorite target of the group, sending mass mailings to dorms with photographs of animals in horrifying, abusive situations. I begin to wonder if, as we have seen in the past, PETA is manipulating those photos to get the most dramatic impact. I certainly wouldn't put it past them - their literature contains so many lies, why shouldn't their photos?

Think back to before the Animal "Rights" movement became big bucks. I'm sure you all knew a dog breeder in your youth - you'd pick the breed, go to the house, which was always spotless, play with a litter of happy, healthy puppies, and select your new pet. Guess what? THAT STILL HAPPENS. But if you take PETA's word for it, every dog born is raised in squalor, filth, and has horrible genetic and infectious diseases. This isn't even close to the truth.

So please - check for yourself and get the word out. PETA KILLS ANIMALS - they admit it themselves, as their kill rate has gone from 80% to 97% in just 3 years. I hope you are as appalled as I am - now exercise YOUR free speech rights to make sure your friends and family aren't taken in by lies. Give your money to the REAL rescues, the local no-kills and the local rescues, even the local breeders who foster and take in animals of their breed to save them from kill shelters. (Yes, you read that right. Breeders quite often reclaim animals from situations that threaten them, at their own cost, because they love their breed and in fact all animals.) Learn the truth - then spread it around.

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